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St Patrick's Primary School, Saul, Downpatrick

Weekly Assembly

15th Nov 2019

Today we talked about Anti-Bullying Week and the importance of talking and listening. Mr McGrath explained that not only is it important that we talk to each other about how we feel, but it is also very important that we are ready to listen to others too. Our challenge next week is to talk to and listen to someone else who we haven't spoken to for a while. We are always talking and playing with our closest friends, next week we are going to reach out to someone else who we normally wouldn't spend much time with.

Thanks to those who have returned their Smarties tubes filled with 20ps. It's amazing that some people have even brought in extras! Thank you so much.

Congratulations to our P7s who won the Line-Up trophy this week. Miss McSharry presented them with the trophy at assembly. Remember two wins means A NIGHT OFF HOMEWORK!

Five more children reached their targets in Accelerated Reader this week. Well done to Mary-Kate, Niamh, Caragh, Coen and Malachi!

Our Pupils of the Week were:

Alana, Kerrie, Matthew, Caoimhe, Cara, Aimee, Abigail

Cliodhna, Fionn, Francis, Jude, Niamh, Liam, Emilie, Aoife. We are so proud of you all!

Enjoy your weekend everyone!