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St Patrick's Primary School, Saul, Downpatrick

Weather Play

27th Nov 2020

P4 have had so much fun this term! We have loved our weather topic - especially Activity Based Learning! We have made Weather Satellites from Lego, played weather games on the computer and used the Playmobil to have our family in different types of weather - holiday sun was a big hit here!

We also have our own budding Barra Best and Cecilia Daly Weather forecasters - not to mention the cameramen and women who were happy to record their weather presentations! On the windiest day of the year we measured the wind using our anemometer - it was 43 miles per hour!

We have enjoyed playing some games and making our own weather pictures although this week the art table were happily making our Rain Gauges ready for next week's experiment. Where do you think is the wettest place in our school?