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St Patrick's Primary School, Saul, Downpatrick

Reach for the Rainbow

24th Mar 2020

Good morning everyone. I hope you're all feeling energised after watching Joe Wicks this morning. A great way to start the day!

I've been checking in on Seesaw and there are some very busy boys and girls out there. Remember to take breaks and enjoy the sunny day in your garden if you can. A few high catches with a ball and low kicks maybe?

Thanks to those of you who have sent in your rainbow pictures. Thanks to Caragh & Erin who left in their painting yesterday before we got to lockdown! 'Spreading the Hope,' girls. They have certainly lifted me this morning. Keep them coming please. Perhaps you could be even more creative and write an acrostic poem using RAINBOW? 

Stay safe and keep checking in with us if you can!


Mr McGrath