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St Patrick's Primary School, Saul, Downpatrick

Good morning

25th Mar 2020

Good morning everyone

It's hard to believe that this day nine months from now it will be Christmas Day! I hope that you're staying on the Nice List. Don't be like Spoiled Brad on today's Newsdesk story. Be kind and generous with your time. Have you completed any little jobs around the house? I'm sure your bedrooms must be super tidy! Now is the time to clear the cupboards and do those little jobs you'd kept putting off. That sock that's been missing is probably lurking under a bed or behind your wardrobe.

The extra video on Newsdesk today is amazing. My favourite bit is when the iPad is part of the whole marble run. I think you'll enjoy watching it - show your family too. Have you left a comment on Newsdesk? The reporters love reading your comments.

On Junior Newsdesk today there's a delicious recipe for a lovely treat. 

Enjoy your day and remember to do something kind for someone today. Thanks to everyone who is sending in their rainbow photos. You are so creative.