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St Patrick's Primary School, Saul, Downpatrick

Friday 24th April 2020

24th Apr 2020

A very late good morning.

Our first week of the summer term is over. Are you now used to learning at home? With the weather being so good, it's been very difficult to ensure that there's a routine to follow, but it is so important that you all try to have a daily routine. When we are at school we have the bell to break up the various sections of the day. For next week, you should try to redo your home timetable. I know that lots of you already have a timetable, so make sure it works for you. Make sure to include plenty of short breaks and there should be also a time for you to work on your own as well. Give mum or dad a good break as well! Don't forget to timetable reading time - this could be longer than normal. It can be nice to have some quiet time to yourself and a book is always a good companion. After yesterday I'm going to read Fantastic Mr Fox again. I can't wait. I'd love to see some photos of you reading so please send them to: 

Newsdesk today is about craft ideas and then on Junior Newsdesk it's about making a den. I have seen Orlaith & Daire and Aodhan & Aoife making dens in their gardens. Great fun and easy to do. Make sure you ask permission before taking out blankets and sheets!

A very happy birthday today to Mrs O'Connor (P2). Also Happy Birthday to Charlie, Dearbhla, Cillian and Ellie-May who are the last birthdays in April.

Remember that you can tune into weekly Mass with Fr Alexander via the parish webcam at Mass is on Sunday morning at 9:30am.

Have a lovely weekend and stay safe.