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St Patrick's Primary School, Saul, Downpatrick


20th Dec 2019

Our last assembly of 2019 was as busy as ever. Mr McGrath chatted about Advent and the last purple candle being lit this weekend meaning Love.

We gave out a lot of awards at Assembly, with P3s receiving their poetry certificates. They are having their acrostic poems published in a special book that will be released after Christmas. P4-P7 had a large number of children reaching their target in Accelerated Reader.

We also prayed for all those children and families who may not enjoy Christmas as much as we do. We prayed for loved ones who were no longer with us and we prayed for everyone to remember the real meaning for the celebration.

Congratulations to our Pupils of the Week:

Joshua, Cara, Niamh, Aodhan, Lucas, Lorcan, Aobh, Malachi

Amelia, Brenda, Elianah, Lacey, Emilie, Holly.